Tuesday 31 March 2015

Now, when we talk about the internet, the first thing that comes to mind is Google Chrome. If not, you need to get your brain checked. Talking of chrome, what do you like about it? The simplicity? The UI? The speed?

Well, here is what I like about it (you will like it too) --

1. Your Omnibox is a calculator - 

First of all, for those who do not know what the Omnibox is, it's the area where you type the URL of a website. Second of all, I know you do not know what I'm talking about. So look below - 

Pretty cool, eh? You can use it whenever you need to do a quick calculation. I'll leave the use to you. Just make sure you use the proper signs.

2. Your Omnibox is a unit converter - 

Another interesting feature of the omnibox is that it can convert units. For example, you do not know how much kilograms are 20 lbs. Just type in the omnibox - "20 lbs =" without the quotes. Here is what happens - 

P.S - Make sure you put an = sign after the unit you want to convert.

3. Reopen accidentally closed tabs - 

Do I need to explain? We have all had that dumb frustrating moment when we accidentally closed an important tab. Now there are two ways to reopen it. The first is to go to your history and find it there. But that is such a long process.

To reopen the recently closed tab, press ctrl+shift+t. Close this blog and then try it now.

4. Close all tabs with a single click (you will get them back) - 

Picture this - you are browsing facebook and your dad comes in. Now when he sees what you are doing, he will want to find out more. And then there is pain and trouble. The most basic way to avoid this is to close the tab. But if you do that, you will lose the progress on whatever you were doing on facebook. Any unsaved changes will be lost. Moreover, what if you had opened more undesirable websites? You cannot close them all at once. You may even want to open the tabs again. Here is the solution - 

Go HERE and download this chrome extension. It is called the panic button. It appears beside your omnibox. When you click on it, all open tabs will be closed. When you click on it again, they will reopen.

If you did not pay attention above, HERE IS THE LINK AGAIN

5. Switch between tabs with keyboard shortcuts - 

When we are doing some work which only involves the keyboard, like writing a blogger post or posting a status or something, reaching out for the mouse to switch tabs seems to be a pain. 

What you have to do is to hold ctrl and press between numbers 1 to 9 (not from the num pad). For example, if you want to open the 5th tab from the left, press ctrl+5. If you want to open the 2nd tab from the left, press ctrl+2 and so on.



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